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Monday, October 23, 2006

Sex and the Holy Life

I would like to comment - positively! - about the answer to "Is Masturbation Okay?" God bless you for that answer! I work with young people in our church and have such a deep burden for them to discover the joys and benefits of living a holy life, in every area.

I'd like to add to what you said about this. We recently watched a great DVD series on marriage in our church, and the minister had a lot to say about this. He mentioned that even the secular "anything goes" crowd is now realizing the damage this does to married sex. They're finally saying this is a major cause of sexual dysfuntion in men, as it literally retrains the mind/body response to sexual stimuli and erection cannot be achieved the normal way any longer. Ergo, all the ED drugs out there, and they're not all being used by men with legitimate medical problems (on blood pressure meds, etc).

This is also, sadly, tied in with pornography - which also retrains the mind and body's response away from what is normal, the way God intended. This minister in the DVD series pointed out that even among the couples he ministers to, a majority of sexual dysfuntion is a direct result of the use of pornography. These poor guys cannot 'function' without a magazine to look at...and these are Christian couples! Many of them ministers...

Sex education in many public schools has been promoting various perversions as "not sex" (talk about euphemism!) to students, for many years now. As if merely cutting down on pregnancies and STDs justifies all this. Not to mention blurring the boundaries of right and wrong. We're going on a second generation hooked on perversion, destroying their marriages and leading them into immorality, and they haven't even a clue that these behaviors are wrong!

Mrs. C Grove, TX

The King's Anguish

Christina Tsuchida from Japan writes:

Concerning "The King's Anguish: Mistranslating the Holy Scriptures," most of Anthony Esolen's points are well taken, and I greatly enjoyed his humorous and intelligent protests, but the use of the word "man" followed by "his" for the archetypal human is problematic for a female reader. A scripture-oriented (and male-centered-book reading) child grows up almost homosexual if she is female. "One" and "oneself" may not do, but the Greek has "anthropos"(human being, the archetypal human) as well as "andros" (male, man) while English does not. Perhaps people who speak in English have lost the very idea of an archetypal human. Please think more about this! Jesus framed his protest against adultery in both genders in Mark 10:11-12.

P.S. In my American Protestant childhood, my favorite hymn was the new version of the one quoted in parallel with an older version at the end of this article. I had no trouble with its English or with memorizing its several verses. It left a lasting impression of the Presence of God in nature which continues to console me as a Catholic. I am now 58, having been married to a Japanese for 26 years and living in Japan for 21 years. (I have been a Catholic since 1975.)

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