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Thursday, November 02, 2006

Satan is Waiting for You!

Wendell (hendrickswp@bharatpetroleum.in) sends in this caution to all Catholics who believe in purgatory:

I am a christian and believe only in the Bible and not man made rules. I was deceived all these years and now I am set free.

I read your article on purgotary which is not mentioned in the Bible. Jesus spoke about heaven and hell. Please read the Bible and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth.

The dead are dead and you cannot pray to or for them. Your only chance is now to make Jesus your Lord and saviour. Or else satan is waiting for you in hell.


Blogger Aneel Aranha said...

Dear Wendell,

Thank you for your mail and your words of advice. We are touched by your concern for our souls and assure you that we will do everything possible to safeguard them.

May God bless you and your loved ones,

P.S. By the way, do you believe in the Holy Trinity? If you do, you might be interested in noting that there is no mention of it in the Bible. Cause for thought, huh?

November 03, 2006 9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I echo AA's appreciation of your concern for our souls. By way of a gentle response...we would say that the dead are not dead, but very much alive with God.

Catholic belief in purgatory is based on the Second Book of Macabees 12: 38 and following. (This book probably isn't in your Bible, but is one retained by Catholics.) Here we find a Jewish leader offering sacrifice for the sins of his fallen comrades, because of his belief in the Resurrection. If they are in heaven, they wouldn't need prayer, and if in hell, no prayer could help them. So...there must be a 'situation' in which our prayers for the dead can help them...we call this situation 'purgatory', a place of purification before entering into the all-holy presence of God.

God Bless...

November 21, 2006 4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi wendell, i'm glad u believe in the Bible!!! but who gave us what we now refer to as the "Bible"? wasn't it through the Catholic Church!?? God didnt send it down like a parachute one day, surely! by the way, where does Jesus talk about "sola scriptura" or "only the Bible"??? if you can pin point to one particualr verse that says so, i'll be glad.. while you're still at it, kindly give me the verse in "exactly" the same words where Jesus says "i am God"...!!! on the issue of concern- PURGATORY. what if i'm not good enough for heaven, neither too evil for Hell, where do i go? surely there must be a state where i can make reparation or be purged before i enter heaven??? if i rob u of 1000 rupees, but confess my sin to you and because of ur compassion you pardon me the shame of being publicly ridiculed and taken by police- in short you forgive me, but nevertheless i still "have" to pay you 1000 rupees that i robbed!!!would you let me go scot free? think about it.

November 21, 2006 5:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


January 15, 2007 11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Wendell,
Carole has pointed out to you Scripture from Macabees, however, since you do not consider this book as part of Scripture, it will not convince you.
Antonio however, has pointed out to you Matthew 12:12 - Now think hard, where is this Age to come? Once you are dead, and you require forgiveness for certain sins, since nothing Unclean, will enter Heaven (Rev 21:27) and God is perfect holiness (Is. 6:3) we are called to that same holiness (Mt 5:48)Without perfect holiness, we cannot see God in Heaven (Heb 12:14). For the faithful who die without perfection, the Biblical, logical and historical answer is purgatory.
Now you would say that Christ paid the price for all our sins, but do you seriously think that believing in Christ and living in Sin, you will attain salvation?
James 1:14-15 Tells us "Distinguishes desire from sin, and beginning sin from mature sin which brings death. Sin which brings death to the soul is mortal. Sin which only wounds and disfigures the soul is venial."

About praying for the dead - again refer to Scripture See how Paul in his second letter to Timothy 1:16-18 prays for Onesiphorus, who had helped Paul, but was no longer living.

God Bless you

January 26, 2007 12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear wendell
iam glad that you believe in the Bible. So you say you believe in God! wonderful again , but satan also believe in these both!
St. John says that if he or any body else would have attempted to write every thing what jesud did or said , then this world would have filled with all those books!. Is there a book which contains what God did and is doing all these years from the time of creation ?
God do inspire the chosen ones with prophecy. revelations etc even in our times . whether you believe it or not.
I feel sorry for your loved ones who are deprived of your prayers who are suffering in the purgatory.

February 11, 2007 11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Wendell,

Praise the Lord. The Bible itself was written by men under the guidance and ispiration of the Holy Spirit. If all that had happened was written we would have had tens of Bibles today. But Jesus said that I will send the Holy Spirit to guide you and teach you. Which means the Holy Spirit has been continuously teaching us all these centuries, to this day. But we cannot keep on adding to the Bible. So we have other means/material like Apostolic Tradition and the Magisterium of the Catholic Church. Pls remember, every Church is beautiful but you achieve the fullness of Christ only in the Catholic Church.

February 16, 2007 5:56 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hi everyone,

"The Age to Come" is in Revelation when Jesus will come back to the earth. Its not referring to purgatory or being purged,

Regarding the need for cleansing from sins,
What can we do that Jesus hasnt already done for us?
Is our fasting and moaning and groaning going to better the Saviours blood ?
Im not saying its wrong to fast etc but it just doesnt compare to the price He paid.

To the person who talks about the 1000 bucks borrowed, dont you believe in total forgiveness ?
There is a parable where a man owed so much he couldnt pay and the master cancels his debt...what is Jesus trying to tell us here ?

AA "Trinity" isnt mentioned yet in the very 1st chapter of Genesis Vs 26 we see God say Let "Us" make man in our own image...who is the "Us" if God was alone ?
The Trinity is in itself a whole discussion.

The Bible didnt come from the Catholic church, it came from God to moses and the prophets and eventually got consolidated.

To the question what if i'm not good enough for heaven, neither too evil for Hell, where do i go?
Who decides how much is too much or too little ? sin is sin & Grace is Grace...You die in sin you have no hope...you die in Grace and you have a hope...Im not saying this..the Bible does..

To the ones who say if God wrote everything there wont be enough space or therell be too many Bibles,,,,how much of the Bible have youll currently studied ?
I for one am not ashamed to say that Ive not studied it as much as God expects us all to have studied it...

Lots can be said between christians but in the Judgement you will stand with God alone to give account. You cant blame anyone be it your Priests teachings Your church or your family.

As long as you know that you know that you know that you have been saved by grace through faith and not your works then youll be alright when Jesus returns for His people.

March 19, 2007 2:34 PM  

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