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Saturday, August 19, 2006

New Age: Zero Cal

In reference to our section on New Age, Harold writes:

I enjoyed your site. Many years ago, I too fell into "New Age" Christianity as one of the well-known "Jesus Freaks." I found that it was a confused, incoherent movement that basically wanted Jesus to be a nice guy that wasn't all that preachy. Sort of a grandfather figure. I had a copy of the Aquarian Gospel, and even read stuff by Prophet. They all smoked pot, lived in sin, drank, gambled, and all the rest. They had a version of Jesus that they could accept. But when confronted with the Bible, they fell away from the faith quickly. The idea that Jesus would actually JUDGE people, and even condemn some of them, was just not their cup of tea. The idea that Jesus had AUTHORITY over them was just too much. The entire New Age is Jesus Light. Not very filling, and no calories! Now I find myself a committed Pentacostal, and l have never looked back!


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