Mark Shea's Article Insulting
CJ, an Ed.D. candidate of Religion and Education of Columbia University has this to say about Mark Shea's article titled Women Priests?
Mark Shea's article about women's ordination was insulting and harmful to women. As Shea suggested, I have taken the issue up with my dear friend, the Christ. After conversing with him about it, I offer my response to you.
Male priests are the appropriate form for serving the bride in the liturgy? Many ordained men today have no interest in having a bride of any kind and are as unfit or fit as any woman for this important and underfilled role in our Church. None of us are worthy, but Christ called women in His lifetime, and calls them today to the role of ordained priest in His church. Shea reiterates what John Paul II said in his lengthy encyclical, which says, in brief, "Women, SHUSH. There will be no more conversation about ordination." Thanks for reminding us women that the door to ordination in our Church in which we are the majority is closed. Shea's article seems inappropriate for a newsletter called "Holy Spirit Interactive."
Mark Shea's article about women's ordination was insulting and harmful to women. As Shea suggested, I have taken the issue up with my dear friend, the Christ. After conversing with him about it, I offer my response to you.
Male priests are the appropriate form for serving the bride in the liturgy? Many ordained men today have no interest in having a bride of any kind and are as unfit or fit as any woman for this important and underfilled role in our Church. None of us are worthy, but Christ called women in His lifetime, and calls them today to the role of ordained priest in His church. Shea reiterates what John Paul II said in his lengthy encyclical, which says, in brief, "Women, SHUSH. There will be no more conversation about ordination." Thanks for reminding us women that the door to ordination in our Church in which we are the majority is closed. Shea's article seems inappropriate for a newsletter called "Holy Spirit Interactive."
Insulting? St. Paul even said, that women should keep silent in Church and forbade them to have authority. Women were called in Jesus' time, but it wasn't to be priests. Man is the head of the family. I think you have role of the genders confused.
I understand you feel hurt by those words, but it won't help shooting the messengers. Especially not as the messenger is reiterating the words of the Church. As a catholic we believe Christ speaks today through his church. If you are sure the Church is not speaking Christs words, you should at least try to understand what the church says and why. I suggest you study this topic with an honest heart to find out what your and my dear friend says.
I'm sorry, but I don't have the impression you (as candidates RE) studied the 'lengthy encyclical of JPII'. First it was not an encyclical, second it was very short.
I for myself have found a satisfying answer to my former objections to the June 1994 letter of JPII. It has strenghtened my belief that it is Christ (and not Marc Shea) speaking through his Church, even though it costs the Church a lot of popularity.
Your comments remind me of the Feminist who taught us that Mary of Nazareth didn't humbly speak her Fiat, but rather raised her fist to Heaven (Black Panther style) and shouted YES. I suggest that that woman didn't know Our Lady very well, either through true devotion or her prayer life, and I suggest that you might spend a bit more time on your knees LISTENING to Jesus instead of TELLING him what you think.
i, a woman and also a feminist, must confess that i dont agree with your stand on the church giving a green signal for the ordination of women priests; for the following reasons. the reasons mainly being Jesus as our role model. Holy matrimony is the a prefiguration of the Heavenly Banquet, where the Church is the Bride and Christ is the Bridegroom, so the church exhorts married men to imitate Christ- the Bridegroom and love his wife, like how Christ loves the Church. similarly, priests are asked to imitate Christ who is also Eternal HIgh Priest (book of hebrews). so Christ is portrayed in two roles, as Bridegroom and High Priest!!! so essentially ordination of women priests is not just a matter of feminism or women rights, but in not allowing women priests, the Church has only professed and made clear the role of Christ in the Sacraments of Marriage and Holy Orders
i'm also a woman and a feminist and totally agree with anonymous of Nov 21, 2006 5:19PM. Very well written, and correctly said.
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