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Monday, May 22, 2006

Tots need to be taught

Linda Williams begs to differ with Tate Franz who expressed her views below. This is what she writes:

When my children were infants, I made sure their behavior did not distract others from prayer. As they grew older, I taught them that Church is a place where we go to pray with others and they should not distract others from prayer. I was consistent with teaching Church etiquette. They need to sit quietly. They are to pray when they know the prayer. No snacks or toys allowed because this is our time to pray with others.

When you teach them early, they know certain behavior is expected of them. When my 3 year old behaves, she gets to ring the bell outside Church as a reward. She is a very prayerful child. This is a lot easier than trying to teach proper behavior when they're too old for childcare and I've found the more she participates, the stronger she gets spiritually.

When my older children acted up in Church, we left and returned later. I told them if they continued to disrupt me and others during prayer time we would continue to return until I was able to pray. They did behave and learned to participate but there were many trials and their prayer life was not as deep as my younger ones until they were older.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Linda. When children are taught firmly and lovingly and early in life, they will learn. Its human nature to accept training, whether good or bad. Although I am not yet a parent, I observe different kinds of parents and their manner of correcting their kids.

Let me just say that in trying to teach our children how to behave in church, we do need God's grace and help. Sometimes a child can be very difficult. I know that. But there isn't anything we cannot do if we do our bit and leave it in God's hands to help the child's spirit take it in.

June 21, 2006 2:16 PM  

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